Farmers may more revenue from a bad harvest урожай than from a good harvest

Обновлено: 05.10.2024

1. The growth . output . person rather than the growth . total output is . greater importance . an economy.

2. The companies selling consumer goods recognize the importance . consumer preferences; they spend over $40 billion . a year . the US . advertising trying to direct consumer preferences . their own products.

3. An increase or a decrease . total revenue may follow . a price rise and a decrease . the quantity produced accompanying it. The effect de­pends . which change is larger - the change . price or the change . the quantity produced.

4. After a particular market is defined . terms . its product and its geo­graphic area, the economist can study the workings . demand and sup­ply . that particular market.

5. As the price . a good increases, consumers can buy less . all goods, including . the good whose price has risen.

6. Opportunity costs and amounts paid . all resources are included . total costs.

7. The output . beer . Russia's largest beer maker, Baltika Brewery, grew . 30 percent . 1999 . the previous year.

8. . 1999, industrial production . Russia increased . 7.9 percent but the out­put . agricultural sector decreased . 0.6 percent compared . 1998 level.

9. Every field, economics . particular, has its "schools" and groups. "Lib­eral" economists believe . market system opportunities. But they also believe . government support and regulation . an economy. "Classical liberals" or the "Chicago Group" rely . people's private choices as the rational basis . the economic system. "Radical" economists, includ­ing . Marxists and other critics, believe that free-market capitalism must result . depressions and mass unemployment. They assume that govern­ments must run . all economic units and make all economic decisions.

б) Кратко охарактеризуйте три основные школы экономической мысли, о ко­торых говорится в пункте 9.

Аудиторная работа № 2

11. А) Ответьте на вопросы к тексту Theory of Supply.

1. What is the principal assumption of the supply theory?

2. What is the difference between profit and revenue?

3. What is included in costs of production?

4. How do firms get maximum profits?

5. When are profits the highest?

6. When should firms close down?

7. What is the relationship between marginal revenue, marginal cost and output?

8. What is market supply? What is market supply important for?

б) Подумайте и скажите:

1. Why is it necessary to know the effect of a price change on the whole output rather than the supply of individual firms for making economic forecasts?

2. Can you give an example of technology influencing the quantity supplied?

12. Раскройте скобки и выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предлагаемых вариантов.

1. Farmers may (own / earn / run) more revenue from a bad harvest (уро­жай) than from a good harvest.

2. A rise in the income of consumers will typically result in an equivalent increase in (corresponding / total / alternative) consumer expenditure.

3. Statistics show the greatest increase in the number of jobs in the Amer­ican non-production sector, among government workers (in terms of / elsewhere / in particular) today.

4. Don't forget to calculate the (marginal cost / costs / opportunity cost) of the man's labour, that is, the money that he could (own / earn / offer) by working elsewhere.

5. In Marxist theory, proletariat is the social class of workers who have to sell their (corresponding / own / total) ability to work.

6. If we want to understand how firms make output decisions, we must analyze how they determine (revenues / output / amounts) and (commodities / costs / profits).

2 corresponding
3 in particular\u00a0
4 marginal cost \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0earn
5 corresponding\u00a0
6 revenues costs">,2. Total
3. in particular
4. opportunity cost, earn
5. Own
6. Revenues, profits \n\n


1. Run
2. Total
3. in particular
4. opportunity cost, earn
5. Own
6. Revenues, profits


Новые вопросы в Английский язык

Помогите с английским, пожалуйста! 1a Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box. about, at, by, in, into, on, to, with 1. I'm not very … keen … … science fiction films, but the rest of my family loves them. 2. I'm interested … … taking up scuba diving, but it's an expensive hobby. 3. My father has always been fascinated … … architecture and loves visiting old castles. 4. I used to prefer rock and folk music, but I've really got … … jazz recently. 5. John is very excited … … starting tennis lessons next week. 6. Maria is quite pleased … … her daughter's progress in her ballet class. 7. Some people can become addicted … …… playing computer games. 8. Antonia is brilliant … … cooking; I wish I could do it as well as her! 1b Complete the sentences with the correct preposition and your own ideas. 1. I'm very keen … 2. My best friend is brilliant … 3. I'm really excited … 4. Many people are addicted … 5. Lately, I've really got … 2 Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences. 1. The viewers / spectators in the stadium cheered for their team. 2. Jacob decided to take place /part in a cooking competition. 3. Rachel took / set up painting because she wanted to make better use of her free time. 4. I really enjoyed the demonstration / exhibition of eighteenth-century art at the city gallery. 5. My favourite singer is giving /running a concert in my home town and I hope to see her. 6. I go to the cinema regularly and like to see moving / thrilling films that are very emotional. 7. Elena enjoys reading detective stories with complicated but interesting schemes /plots. 8. He is a very sociable / sensible person who loves meeting new people in his free time. 2b Choose the alternative for each sentence which is NOT correct. 1. We went on a travel / trip /journey to the jungle. 2. I enjoyed the beautiful view /scenery/outlook from the top of the hill. 3. The family boarded / got on / embarked the bus and it left almost immediately. 4. Giorgio packed his two bags /luggage / suitcases and took the early train. 5. The train fare /fee /ticket was much more expensive than Anna expected. 6. On the way to Scotland we sat in the front coach /carriage /cabin of the train. 7. River voyage /trip /cruise is the best way to go sightseeing. 8. We decided to take a charter /programmed /scheduled flight to Spain.

more revenue from a bad harvest (урожай) than from a good harvest. 2. A rise in the income of consumers will typically result in an equivalent increase in (corresponding /total /alternative) consumer expenditure. 3. Statistics show the greatest increase in the number of jobs in the American non-production sector, among government workers (in terms of / elsewhere /in particular) today. 4. Don't forget to calculate the (marginal cost /costs /opportunity cost) of the man's labour, that is, the money that he could (own /earn /offer) by working elsewhere. 5. In Marxist theory, proletariat is the social class of workers who have to sell their (corresponding /own /total) ability to work. 6. If we want to understand how firms make output decisions, we must analyze how they determine (revenues /output /amounts) snd(commodities /costs /profits).

Ответ или решение 1

1. Farmers may (own / earn /run) more revenue from a bad harvest (урожай) than from a good harvest. - Правильный ответ: earn

2. A rise in the income of consumers will typically result in an equivalent increase in (corresponding /total /alternative) consumer expenditure. - Правильный ответ: total

3. Statistics show the greatest increase in the number of jobs in the American non-production sector, among government workers (in terms of / elsewhere /in particular) today. - Правильный ответ: in particular

4. Don't forget to calculate the (marginal cost /costs /opportunity cost) of the man's labour, that is, the money that he could (own /earn /offer) by working elsewhere. - Правильный ответ: opportunity cost и earn

5. In Marxist theory, proletariat is the social class of workers who have to sell their (corresponding /own /total) ability to work. - Правильный ответ: own

6. If we want to understand how firms make output decisions, we must analyze how they determine (revenues /output /amounts) and (commodities /costs /profits). Правильный ответ: revenues и costs

13. Раскройте скобки и выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предлагаемых вариантов.

1. Farmers may (own / earn / run) more revenue from a bad harvest (урожай) than from a good harvest.

2. A rise in the income of consumers will typically result in an equivalent increase in (corresponding / total / alternative) consumer expenditure.

3. Statistics show the greatest increase in the number of jobs in the American non - production sector, among government workers (in terms of / elsewhere / in particular) today.

4. Don't forget to calculate the (marginal cost / costs / opportunity cost) of the man's labour, that is, the money that he could (own / earn / offer) by working elsewhere.

5. In Marxist theory, proletariat is the social class of workers who have to sell their (corresponding / own / total) ability to work.

6. If we want to understand how firms make output decisions, we must analyze how they determine (revenues / output / amounts) snd(commodities / costs / profits).

3 in particular

4 marginal cost earn

6 revenues costs.

Здравствуйте, помогите, пожалуйста, сделать задание?

Здравствуйте, помогите, пожалуйста, сделать задание.

Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Mixed economy is an economic system in which some industries (to own) by the state and others (to own) by private persons and firms.

2. When supply is increased, a larger amount (to offer) at a given price.

3. The supply of agricultural products cannot be (to increase) within a very short period of time.

4. The aim of the Organization of Petroleum (to export) Countries (OPEC) (to found) in 1961 is to maintain a standard price for oil and, if necessary, to limit output.

In 1973 the OPEC suddenly (to begin) to use its influence (to raise) the world price of oil so that by the end of 1974 the price (to rise) three times in most (to import) countries.

It (to increase) many times since then.

5. Marginal revenue is the additional revenue (to earn) by a producer from selling one more unit of his product.

6. Money supply is the total amount of money (to hold) by all persons and organizations in a country at a particular time.

7. The revenue (to obtain) from selling output depends on the demand.

8. Landless farmers, that is, farmers (to own) no land, have to cultivate land (to own) by others.

10. With less risk of a fall of price between the time decisions (to make) and commodities (to sell), producers will use additional inputs.

11. Supply (to depend) on output prices and input prices.

An increase in the price of an input (to result) in a reduced use of that input.

A reduction in the price of an output (to have) the same effect as an increase in the price of input, that is, a reduced use of input.

The input use (not to change), provided output and input prices (to rise) or (to fall) by an equal percentage.

Thus, the effect on output of a decrease in product prices (can) (to be neutralized) by an equal percentage decrease in input prices.

Sometimes the prices of inputs and outputs (to change) together.

For example, a fall of livestock product prices (to reduce) the demand for feed grains.

This (to lead) to a fall in the price of feeds, that is, the price of inputs.

Переведите пожалуйстааа Переводчик фигню пишет The concept of marginal utility is of great importance for solving the util¬ity maximization problem?

Переведите пожалуйстааа Переводчик фигню пишет The concept of marginal utility is of great importance for solving the util¬ity maximization problem.

The marginal utility of a good is the additional utility obtained from consuming an additional unit of the good in question.

The marginal utility from consuming good decreases as more of that good is consumed.

The income should be allocated among all possible choices so that the marginal utility per dollar of expenditure on each good is equal to the marginal utility per dollar of expenditure on every other good.

A price increase will result in a reduction in the quantity demanded.

This relationship between the quantity demanded of a good and its price is called the law of demand.

As the marginal utility from each additional unit of the good consumed decreases, the consumer will want to buy more of this good only if its price is reduced.

Market demand is the quantities of a good that all consumers in a partic¬ular market want and are able to buy as price varies and as all other factors are assumed constant.

Market demand depends not only on the factors affecting individual demands, but also on the number of consumers in the market.

The law of demand also works with market demand.

Помогите перевести добрые люди As the individual firm has to be a price - taker, each firm’s marginal revenue is the prevailing market price?

Помогите перевести добрые люди As the individual firm has to be a price - taker, each firm’s marginal revenue is the prevailing market price.

Profits are the highest at the output level at which marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue, that is, to the market price of the output.

Is profits are negative at this output level, the firm should close down.

An increase in marginal cost reduced output.

A rise in marginal revenue increases output.

The optimal quantity also depends on the output prices as well as on the input costs.

Of course, the optimal supply quantity is affected by such noneconomic factors as technology, environment, etc.

Перевести текст и сделать задание) Private enterprises in the UK generate over three - quarters of total domestic income?

Перевести текст и сделать задание) Private enterprises in the UK generate over three - quarters of total domestic income.

Private sector development is a strategy for promoting economic growth and reducing poverty by building private enterprises.

Most businesses in the UK, large or small, belong to the private enterprise system.

The private enterprise system is founded on principle that competition among business firms best serves to the need of society.

Success or failure of the business firms is determined how well they match or counter the offerings of competitors.

In the private system, firms must continually adjust their strategies, product offerings, service standards, and the like, or else competitors may gain larger shares of industry sales and profits.

Competitive markets are stronger and more inclusive.

Competition assures that firms that satisfy consumer demands will be successful and those that do not will go out of existence.

That competition among firms assures that consumers received the best possible products and price because the less efficient producers would gradually be eliminated from the market place.

The private enterprise system guarantees people that right to own, buy, sell and bequeath most forms of property, including land, buildings, machinery, equipment, inventions.

Найдите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний : производить / генерировать ; совокупный национальный доход ; принадлежать ; успех, неудача ; соответствовать ; эффективные производители.

Помогите срочно?

Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме.

1. Mixed economy is an economic system in which some industries (to own) by the state and others (to own) by private persons and firms.

2. When supply is increased, a larger amount (to offer) at a given price.

3. The supply of agricultural products cannot be (to increase) within a very short period of time.

4. The aim of the Organization of Petroleum (to export) Countries (OPEC) (to found) in 1961 is to maintain a standard price for oil and, if necessary, to limit output.

In 1973 the OPEC suddenly (to begin) to use its influence (to raise) the world price of oil so that by the end of 1974 the price (to rise) three times in most (to import) countries.

It(to increase) many times since then.

5. Marginal revenue is the additional revenue (to earn) by a producer from selling one more unit of his product.

6. Money supply is the total amount of money (to hold) by all persons and organizations in a country at a particular time.

7. The revenue (to obtain) from selling output depends on the demand.

8. Landless farmers, that is, farmers (to own) no land, have to cultivate land (to own) by others.

10. With less risk of a fall of price between the time decisions (to make) and commodities (to sell), producers will use additional inputs.

11. Supply (to depend) on output prices and input prices.

An increase in the price of an input (to result) in a reduced use of that input.

A reduction in the price of an output (to have) the same effect as an increase in the price of input, that is, a reduced use of input.

The input use (not to change), provided output and input prices (to rise) or (to fall) by an equal percentage.

Thus, the effect on output of a decrease in product prices (can) (to be neutralized) by an equal percentage decrease in input prices.

Sometimes the prices of inputs and outputs (to change) together.

For example, a fall of livestock product prices (to reduce) the demand for feed grains.

This (to lead) to a fall in the price of feeds, that is, the price of inputs.

Переведите письменно текст на русский язык?

Переведите письменно текст на русский язык.

Задайте 5 вопросов разного типа по содержанию текста.

Production of goods and production of services .

The production or making of goods involves many economic decisions.

Producers have to decide how to raise the money needed for their businesses.

They must also consider methods and costs of production.

In addition, they have to decide how to bring their products to the buyers, or the sales market.

Workers who produce goods also have to make many decisions.

These decisions deal with jobs, pay, and work conditions.

Job benefits and work safety can be important as the money paid to workers.

Services play an important part in everyone’s daily lives.

Today more people work in service industries that in the production of actual goods.

Sales policies and training of workers are directly related to the production of goods.

Make all types of questions to each sentence (general, special, disjunctive, alternative)?

Make all types of questions to each sentence (general, special, disjunctive, alternative).

1. The stockholders usually vote at the annual meeting.

2. Most people work in order to earn their living.

3. The economic system is the sum - total of what people do and what they want.

Make your own quiz show " The world of music" You may use some information from this unit or find information in the libraruy or on the internet?

Make your own quiz show " The world of music" You may use some information from this unit or find information in the libraruy or on the internet.

Переведите, пожалуйста, на английский Government economists also perform a variety of useful tasks?

Переведите, пожалуйста, на английский Government economists also perform a variety of useful tasks.

Often the government economist wears a second hat as a policy analyst.

Economists forecast tax revenues and Interest rates, analyze who gains and who loses from particular changes, monitor prices, compute total output and perform other useful tasks in the public sector.

What is the total length of all the seeds that the students measured?

What is the total length of all the seeds that the students measured?

3 2He is afraid of them. 3She is coming with us. 4It is for him. 5He is talking to them. 6We live near you. 7They belong to her. 8 Is it for you? 4 2they, 3you, 4us, 5we, 6it, 7she, 8he.

1Where were the first groups from? 2Where were different customs and traditions? 3Where do all people want to live? 4Where has she always dreamed of travelling to? 5Where can we see a lot of modern buildings nowadays.

1. We 2. They 3. I 4. It 5. He 6. You.

1. Computer data c) processing system frees humans from routine error - prone tasks. 2. Computers can store vast amount of information to organize it and b) to retrieve it. 3. The entered data can be transmitted by a) communications networks. 4. T..

I'm writing now. Look! The baby is sleeping. We are cooking with them at the moment. I'm speaking now. Listen! The music is popular.

1. Can 2. Need 3. Can, can 4. Must 5. Ought 6. May.

I can see a tulip This tulip is in vase I see two beds These beds in the bedroom I can see a cake This cake on the plate I can see a pen I can see a book I see two dogs Under the bed I see three cats.

I can sow pen under my bed I can sow book behind my table.

Ну во первых переведите текст на русский и там после текста надо тоже прочитать перевести а потом надо ответить true - правда, false - ложь ну крч вы поняли надеюсь))).

russia is very large country in the world. 141 million people live here. russia is rich in natural resources. bears are symbol of our country. all foreigners want to come to us for to take a photo with bear or at least to look at him.

i am on holidays now. summer holidays is the best time of the year! i can do everything: rest a lot, wake up late in the morning (or even in the go to bed late at night. and the most pleasant thing that i mustn*t go to school! the first month of the holidays is june. i decided to spend it at home. so every day i meet my friends and we go somewhere together. there are a lot of new good films and funny cartoons in the cinema. we have seen 5 new pictures already! we go for a walk several times a day/ it is great! when the weather is fine we go to our aquapark. we like it very much and usually spend the whole day there. sometimes i read books from the list of recommended literature on summer holidays. but most of them are dull and not so interesting.

я люблю свою школу,потому что у меня в ней много друзей.мне нравится учится и с каждым днем узнавать все новое и новое с уроков.моя школа большая.в ней есть столовая библиотеа,актовый зал,и 2 зала где мы занемаемся физкультурой.

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